4 Stories About Mother-in-Laws Who Tried to Make Their DILs’ Lives Hell

The aftermath was chaotic. The heated exchange left the husband criticizing the extent of his wife’s retaliation. Meanwhile, the MIL lamented the glitter’s persistence, notably its unwelcome presence in her car.

A woman's hand covered in glitter | Source: Getty Images

A woman’s hand covered in glitter | Source: Getty Images

Seeking validation, the wife turned to Reddit, where the consensus supported her actions. Users agreed that the MIL’s disregard for boundaries justified the glittery consequence, affirming that respect for house rules could have spared her the ordeal.

MIL Decides DIL’s Upcoming Baby Will Be Hers, Even Throws Herself a Baby Shower

A woman took to Reddit to ask if she was wrong for not letting her MIL see her grandchild. OP explained that she and her husband were expecting their first child together, but his mother’s excitement about becoming a grandmother was a bit off-putting for the Redditor.

A couple holding an ultrasound scan | Source: Shutterstock

A couple holding an ultrasound scan | Source: Shutterstock

Firstly, OP said her MIL would often refer to her unborn child as her own. She would say, “I can’t wait for my baby to be born. My baby is going to be so loved.” The possession she took over her child was uncomfortable for the wife, but her husband told her to ignore the remarks.

The MIL had the idea to throw her daughter-in-law (DIL) a baby shower. The excited grandmother-to-be said she and her friends had made a pact to celebrate their children’s weddings and baby showers. Since OP and her husband eloped, she felt the Reddit user owed her the opportunity to throw a baby shower.

A younger woman and an older one happy about a pregnancy | Source: Shutterstock

A younger woman and an older one happy about a pregnancy | Source: Shutterstock

OP asked if she could invite her friends, but her MIL said no. The baby shower was only for the older woman’s friends, and she told the mother-to-be she could have a separate one with her pals. Although the Redditor had doubts, she agreed.

The couple spent a lot of time putting together a registry and sharing it with the MIL and her friends, as she had instructed. The future parents planned a garden-themed nursery, so all the items were based on that.

Someone hugging a pregnant woman at a baby shower | Source: Shutterstock

Someone hugging a pregnant woman at a baby shower | Source: Shutterstock

OP was also asked what she wanted on her cake, and she said flowers to go with her garden theme. However, she was surprised to find a circus animal theme at the baby shower. OP did not fuss about it and thought executing her garden idea might have been challenging.

But she was even more shocked when all her gifts were different circus animals. OP was confused and even went back to the registry to see if she had gotten something wrong, as nothing from her gifts was on the list she shared with her MIL’s friends.

An upset pregnant woman sitting an holding her head and belly | Source: Shutterstock

An upset pregnant woman sitting an holding her head and belly | Source: Shutterstock

When her husband arrived, he was also confused and asked, “What’s up with all the circus animals?” Then he got a look at the presents and added, “This isn’t what we asked for.” He immediately asked his mother what she had done.

The MIL said she did not like the theme his wife chose. “I’m going to decorate my baby’s nursery at my house with circus animals, so I created a registry for myself,” she continued. The husband was at a loss for words, but his mother did not back down, reiterating:

“My baby is going to need a room at my house, so I threw a shower for myself.”

A happy older woman smiling | Source: Pexels

A happy older woman smiling | Source: Pexels

Her statements made both the husband and his wife furious. OP made it clear that her MIL would never see her baby and the older woman started crying, telling the couple that they were keeping her away from her baby.

The Reddit user and her husband started receiving texts from the rest of the family calling them selfish and blaming them for ruining the MIL’s experience of becoming a grandmother. However, people in the comments did not think OP was wrong and believed she needed to take necessary precautions against her MIL. The MIL’s behavior alarmed many readers, and some were glad the OP’s husband was on her side.

Two women looking away from each other while having a disagreement | Source: Shutterstock

Two women looking away from each other while having a disagreement | Source: Shutterstock

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